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Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments

Dental Crowns are a type of dental restoration which, when cemented into place, entirely covers or “caps” over the portion of the tooth that lies at and above the gum line.

Since dental crowns encase the entire visible aspect of a tooth, a dental crown in effect becomes the tooth’s new outer surface.
Crowns can be made out of porcelain (a type of dental ceramic), metal (a gold or other metal alloy), or a combination of both. Dental crowns are routinely made for teeth that have broken, worn excessively, or else have had large portions destroyed by tooth decay. Your dentist may recommend a crown to;

  • Replace a large filling when there isn’t enough tooth remaining
  • Protect a weak tooth from fracturing
  • Restore a fractured tooth
  • Attach a bridge
  • Cover a dental implant
  • Cover a discoloured or poorly shaped tooth
  • Cover a tooth that has had root canal treatment


In dentistry, a veneer is a thin layer of restorative material placed over a tooth surface, either to improve the aesthetics of a tooth, or to protect a damaged tooth surface. Dental veneers are custom-designed shells of tooth-like ceramic material that, when applied over the surface of a tooth, can cover worn tooth enamel, uneven tooth alignment or spacing, chips or cracks.

Worn enamel: Over time, the thin, hard white substance covering your teeth (enamel) may become worn, dulled, and discoloured. Such wear and discoloration may be natural or the result of a genetic predisposition; however, it is often a result of your habits (soft drinks, tea or coffee consumption, smoking, medication use, etc.).

Wear and tear: Teeth naturally wear down as people age. Aged teeth are more likely to have chips, cracks or a generally uneven appearance.

Crooked or Misaligned teeth: Certain people may be born with abnormal spacing between the teeth that grows wider as they age.

Uneven teeth: Uneven teeth can result from tooth grinding or general wear and tear.

Regardless of what causes unattractive teeth, dental veneers may solve most or even all of your cosmetic dental issues. If you are considering veneers but would like more information about the process of placing porcelain veneers and the cost of treatment, please contact us.